Johannes' Story

"To feel that there is something that is not really right in the body, to have a lot of tension and pain in the body and to just change how you walk and stand is pretty cool."
Walkfeeling Customer

Read Johannes’s Story of how Walkfeeling has helped him to reduce tension in his body and change the way he walked forever. 

“For many years I had felt that I was wrong. I, who like to move and especially run, began to notice that I got tension headaches after I was out running and was ready to stop running. Then got tips on getting to Walkfeeling / Runfeeling. 

Here they confirmed what I suspected. I loaded my legs incorrectly and had my head way too far forward. After now four months of training, I no longer have tension in my body. Much better posture and a really good view of how my body works.

 It is not revolutionary changes that you need to make. A lot is about understanding your body and making small adjustments. Moving behind the head an inch and up with the gaze gave a new posture in the body.

 So what is it then that you take help from? Well, to get coaching and stop with what is not good and start with what is good. Sounds easy… I thought so too, but if you do not constantly remind yourself of what you need to think about, it is easy to end up back in what you did before. It is only now that it actually begins to sit naturally. 

I no longer think about how I move, it just happens right anyway.
So thank you for all the great support and positive feedback. 

Some days you have a lot of other things to think about and always being met by your smiles and awesome energy gives a boost to want to drive on. So give this a try. “